I've been a professional artist siince 1991, showing work all over the US over the years. I work a great deal in watercolor,
acrylic, and pen & ink, but also try other mediums as I get a chance. I intend to get more into printmaking as well.
I worked for twenty years in the printing industry, as my mother and her family did before me. I like a variety
of subjects- landcape and buildings being my usual choices. I also do fairies and fantasy!! This website is a work
-in-progress- I am a painter, not a computer person!! However, I like to get information from the web, so I am going to do
my best to make it easy for you to do the same.

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I think it's about time I updated this site!!!!!! In
addition to painting, jewelry, books, and antiques (well- "vintiques") - I have been having a ball with "repurposing" things-
something I have always done anyway!! It seems now it's the "in" thing- which is cool with me!!! Lately I've gotten back to
sewing-something I haven't really been doing for many years, althoughI grew up doing it.With no shows or events, I'm working
on clothing, things for the house- and I think I just might start using the vast collection of old linens, lace, cloth....maybe
make some art clothing for sale.We'll see! My sister in Indiana, a trained bench jeweler, has been making jewelry out of
"junk" for many years!! I take it with me to shows. Last Fall I did a wonderful show in Berlin,MA- where I met some very
nice and talented people. I will do this show again - whenever they are able to have it. While we were all at home for the
Covid 19 thing I painted a mailbox for the local VFW Post 5594- they will use it to collect worn and dirty flags to properly
dispose of. It was fun to do!!
Currently I am showing at:
Main Street Antiques, Route 140, Grafton, MA- I rent a booth there - one
of my favorite shops!! I have filled my booth with interesting books, jewelry, and things- look what I've found!!
Since I love books, I have been doing very well with them.She is a very busy shop this year!!!!It is still one of the nicest
and most fun shops around!